Salt may be the quintessential seasoning for meals, but consumed on its own, does eating salt break a fast? Does the type of salt make a difference? Does sodium itself break a fast? Before you get sidetracked by researching “How …
Salt may be the quintessential seasoning for meals, but consumed on its own, does eating salt break a fast? Does the type of salt make a difference? Does sodium itself break a fast? Before you get sidetracked by researching “How …
When you’re intermittent fasting, you naturally want to make sure you get all your nutrients in. It’s only logical to wonder — does taking multivitamins break a fast? Let’s find out. Will taking vitamins break a fast? Grab your vitamin …
Coffee, ah –– the good stuff! It’s one of the most commonly consumed beverages around the world. So it’s no wonder we often get questions about all things coffee, especially “Does coffee break a fast?” We love questions like that …
As an essential nutrient, collagen is undeniably a health-promoting substance. But if you want to increase your collagen intake while intermittent fasting, you may be wondering, “Does collagen break a fast?” And if so, does collagen break your fast? Here’s …
There are many messages out there about sugar and all the foods that count or don’t count as sugar. One “sugar” has stood the test of time as not only a sweetener but an ancient therapeutic agent. That sweetener is …
There’s just something about Diet Coke … believe us, we get it. But now, you’re making some changes — exercising a little more, trying intermittent fasting, drinking more and more water — whew, so much water. You gave up your …
Looking to level up your workout beast mode? You may have heard of pre-workout supplements. But does pre-workout break a fast? Or does pre-workout break your fast? Here’s what you need to know about pre-workout and intermittent fasting. Will pre-workout …
Low in carbs, high in protein, and rich in nutrients, bone broth sounds pretty appealing. But if you’re intermittent fasting, you may have a bone to pick with it: does bone broth break a fast, or can I drink bone …
Does cinnamon break a fast? Can you have cinnamon while intermittent fasting? If questions like these are making you feel stuck, we’ve got the answers you need. Will cinnamon break a fast? At Simple, we determine that a substance will …
“Intermittent fasting,” “muscle,” “fat loss vs. weight loss,” “body composition,” “endurance,” “performance” — all these terms swirl around as you start your wellness journey, and now another one has been thrown into the mix, “creatine.” You’ve been doing your research …