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    Low in carbs, high in protein, and rich in nutrients, bone broth sounds pretty appealing. 

    But if you’re intermittent fasting, you may have a bone to pick with it: does bone broth break a fast, or can I drink bone broth while fasting?

    Here’s everything you need to know about bone broth while fasting.

    Will bone broth break a fast? 

    There’s a lot of conflicting information about bone broth during intermittent fasting. Some sources say bone broth does break intermittent fasting, but others say you can drink bone broth while fasting. 

    So, which is it? Does drinking bone broth break a fast? 

    Wondering if bone broth breaks your fast? Let’s simmer down the confusion with Simple. Your fasting goals determine the answer, and we’re here to spill the savory secrets.

    The answer actually isn’t dependent on the bone broth itself — it depends on your fasting goals.

    It’s well accepted that consuming anything with more than 10 calories during a fasting window will break a fast, and a serving of bone broth contains more calories than that. However, everyone’s fasting needs are different, and a strict calorie cut-off isn’t always necessary to see fasting benefits. Plus, bone broth is packed with nutrients (more on that later!), so just because it may break a fast, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad addition to your meal plan. 

    So, does bone broth break your fast? Working out what’s best for your unique body can be tricky. That’s why we always recommend consulting your healthcare provider. They can figure out what fasting experience is right for you — fasting isn’t intended for everyone, so you always want to start by checking if intermittent fasting is safe for you — and offer the most precise insight into questions like “Can I have bone broth while fasting?” 

    We can also help you sort through what breaks a fast and apply those principles to your own fasting approach. Take our Simple quiz to tell us about you and your goals, and we’ll provide personalized recommendations from there. 

    What is bone broth? 

    You know how some people save the bones after a big roast to make a stock? 

    That’s the concept behind bone broth. 

    Made by simmering animal bones and connective tissues in water for 20+ hours, bone broth is a nutrient-dense food packed with amino acids, vitamins, and collagen. Vegan versions are made by slow-cooking veggies for a similar length of time — though the lack of bones means they’ll contain less collagen.  

    Nutritional value 

    Putting aside the “Does bone broth break intermittent fasting?” question, there’s no bone about it: bone broth packs a super hearty nutrient punch.  

    While specific quantities and sub-types of nutrients will vary based on the type of bone broth (for example, turkey bone broth contains a higher concentration of amino acids than beef or chicken bone broth),[1] all bone broth is rich in protein (amino acids and collagen) and micronutrients (like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and vitamins A and K). 

    On average, one cup (240 g) contains 35–50 calories, 7–10 g of protein, 1 g of fat, and no carbs. 

    Bone broth isn’t your average broth: basic broth and stock are simmered for less time (and usually with added ingredients), so they’re not as nutrient-heavy.

    Health benefits and possible drawbacks of using bone broth while intermittent fasting

    Depending on why you’re intermittent fasting, bone broth may actually boost potential fasting benefits like weight loss, improved gut health, and better immune system functioning. 

    For example, the nutrients in bone broth are linked to a range of health benefits that include:

    • reducing inflammation [2]
    • managing appetite [3]
    • building muscle mass and supporting muscle recovery [4,5]
    • supporting a healthy gut microbiome [6]

    Beyond the possibility of breaking your fast, there aren’t any known side effects of mixing bone broth and intermittent fasting. However, there also aren’t many studies looking specifically at the impact of bone broth on health and well-being, so more research is needed. 

    Tips on using bone broth during a fast 

    Want to combine bone broth + intermittent fasting? Follow these simple steps. 

    1. Use it to break your fast. Whether or not you can have bone broth while fasting, breaking a fast with bone broth can help you ease back into eating with easily digestible nutrients. It’s one of our best foods to break intermittent fasting for a reason!
    2. Use it to ease into fasting. Replacing one meal with bone broth is also a great way to experiment with fasting while still fueling your body. 
    3. Avoid versions with added salt or other preservatives. These ingredients can be dehydrating and cause bloating. 

    Plan your meals and drinks in advance. Having an idea of what to eat during intermittent fasting and what you can drink while fasting can help manage cravings and ensure you’re getting all the nutrients you need.