Simple’s expert guide on intermittent fasting for seniors

Aging is a beautiful privilege that not everyone gets to have.  That doesn’t mean it always feels like a piece of cake, however. Sometimes, it’s something you’d rather not stomach at all. Other times, that cake — while welcome in …

How to lose weight (and keep it off!)

So, you’ve been practicing intermittent fasting diligently and have lost weight. You feel better, have more energy, and are making healthier choices. Congratulations! Now what?  Learning how to lose weight is only half the battle. Understanding how to lose weight …

Intermittent fasting and weight loss for women

Are you a frustrated female who has tried everything to lose weight but can’t seem to get the scale to budge? If so, you’re not alone. And if there’s a male friend, family member, or significant other in your life …

How to lose weight without counting calories

Have you ever wondered: What’s the easiest way to lose weight? Or better yet, what is the easiest way to lose weight without “dieting” — in other words, without constantly counting calories and worrying about following a set of restrictive …

Does intermittent fasting improve your health?

Over the past several years, taking regularly scheduled breaks from eating — in other words, intermittent fasting — has become something of a phenomenon. But does intermittent fasting really live up to the hype?  Is fasting really good for your …

Does intermittent fasting lower your blood pressure?

Everything these days is rising: temperatures, the cost of living, the number of social media influencers, and with them, possibly your blood pressure.  Maybe at your last physical, your numbers were a little higher than usual, and because high blood …

15 intermittent fasting tips to help you stay on track

Whether you’re part of the intermittent fasting for beginners cohort or you’ve been fasting for years, there’s always room to learn more fasting tips and tricks for getting started, maintaining momentum, and steering toward your goals.  Unfortunately, intermittent fasting isn’t …