How to lose weight (and keep it off!)

So, you’ve been practicing intermittent fasting diligently and have lost weight. You feel better, have more energy, and are making healthier choices. Congratulations! Now what?  Learning how to lose weight is only half the battle. Understanding how to lose weight …

The 4 stages of intermittent fasting — a guide by Simple

If you’re trying out intermittent fasting in the hope that it’ll yield a positive result in your body, you may be curious about what’s going on under the hood. What happens in your body during the various stages of intermittent …

So, how long does it take for intermittent fasting to work?

You started intermittent fasting a whole week ago. This morning, you stood on the scale, looked at that irritating number that somehow has the staying power of a red wine stain on white carpet, and thought, “How long does it …