When you’re weighing up a new weight loss or wellness strategy, you need to think through the cons as well as the pros. Here’s a quick ‘n easy shortcut: If one of the cons of whatever you’re considering turns out …
When you’re weighing up a new weight loss or wellness strategy, you need to think through the cons as well as the pros. Here’s a quick ‘n easy shortcut: If one of the cons of whatever you’re considering turns out …
Intermittent fasting gets a lot of credit for being a great tool for weight loss [1] and unlocking health-promoting benefits like reduced inflammation, lower systolic blood pressure, and reduced body fat.[2,3] But when it comes to shredding and bulking, does …
If you’re looking for a way to get swole, intermittent fasting may not be your first choice. It’s not necessarily the most obvious nutrition method for building muscle mass. But it can be effective if you use it right. Curious? …